Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Select All in Word and Excel 2007

There are a number of little user interface quirks to get used to when moving to Word and Excel 2007.

One is the old "select all" function which seems to have been overlooked by Microsoft.

The easiest way, I've found is to use shortcut keys - specifically "CTRL+A".

Then copy and paste using CTRL+V and CTRL+C.

The only other way is to use the ribbon. Unfortunately this useful function is now hidden on the far right of the "Home" ribbon (which is a bit of a catch all and not really well thought through). If you click "Find & Select", there is the option to "Select Objects" (which doesn't mean much to me). Unfortunately it can be a bit tricky to select everything this way.


Emily said...

In word 2007 on the home tab, go to editing in the upper right corner. It's the third one down, labeled Select. You have several options and one of them is All.

Alex said...

For me doc files are very important. And once I had big problems with theirs. Luckily I could find a solution - fix read only documents in office. The utility solved my problem within seconds and free of cost as I bore in mind. I advised it my friend...